lose fat

The #1 Best Way to Lose Fat “Right Here”

Over the years, clients have pointed to every single body part and said, “I want to lose fat right here.”

Here are a few of the most common areas: the stomach, the hips/butt and the “wobble under the arm.”

I’ll tell you exactly to lose fat in any of those parts—and anywhere else, for that matter.

Here’s the deal: You can’t actually target fat loss in a specific body part. I know you’ll see all sorts of ads for products that say you can “burn off belly fat” or “tone your legs,” but these are empty promises. No magic pill, lotion, wrap or diet can target fat loss in one place. 

The truth is that you must use fitness to reduce overall body fat. Your body will decide where the fat is lost, but if you lose fat in general, you’ll improve problem areas, too. 

You can double down on that process by building a bit of muscle. We aren’t talking bulky, bulging bodybuilder muscle. We’re talking about very small increases. You won’t ever suddenly become “bulky”—but that’s a myth for another time.

Our Fat-Loss Program

So how do you use fitness to reduce body fat and build muscle? 

Well, there are lots of ways to do it. We’ll tell you how we do it, and we guarantee it works! (Don’t take our word for it. Feel free to ask any of our clients!) 

We use a combination of cardiovascular training and strength training to burn calories and build muscle. So that means we don’t just run for 30 minutes or just lift weights for 3 sets of 8. Our coaches create programs that are perfectly designed to help clients accomplish goals. 

Sometimes, a single workout might have two parts: one “cardio” element and one strength element. Other times, we might blend cardio and strength training together. That might look something like this: Do 5 back squats at a certain weight and then run 200 meters—repeat 5 times. Sometimes we do focus on either strength or conditioning in a single session. But overall, we focus on both!

The end result? You get stronger and build a little muscle. And you burn calories and body fat. Do this regularly, and you’re going to begin to see some muscle definition. No, your abs won’t instantly pop out. That’s a long-term goal. But you will notice that clothes start to fit better, and you’ll be able to see some visible changes. You’ll also be able to see clear progress in your workout log.

Another secret: You can accelerate your progress by improving your diet. (We can help with that, too!). Our nutrition coaching program is the #1 program in Baltimore and produces results because we keep it simple. We focus on the most important part of diet and nutrition that’s always overlooked at over gyms — mindset. Of course we all know what to do (eat clean, eat protein, etc), but few coaches can truly instill a new mindset in their clients like the Capacity coaches do every day with our happy and successful clients.

So think about the spot you want to lose fat. Your “right here.” 

Now click THIS LINK and come talk to us. We’ll make a plan for you and tell you exactly how you can lose fat everywhere!

Our programs are scalable for all ages and fitness backgrounds. You’ll never get lost in a big class or injured because a coach isn’t paying attention to whether or not you understand the workout. Our focus is your long-term health, happiness, and success.

Click here to read our blog post about how Weak Fitness Shortcuts Can Hurt Your Health

Click here to read our Google post about Why Meditation Is So Important to Health

Inspired by Two-Brain Business and Two-Brain Media.

people working out in a group fitness class


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